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3 February 2021

Summing input module

From now on we can provide our custom mastering-consoles with a 4 stereo inputs passive summing input. Make-up gain is done with our beloved and transparant active gain with +/- 5.5dB gain range in 0.5dB per step. Inputs are based on the Tascam DB25 standard, just like the inserts. This module can be used along-side the regular passive/active input stage to have best of both worlds for stem-mastering or analog summing mixing. Check the custom products page for more information.

27 November 2020

MC1.2 Monitor-Controller

We are proud to announce the MC1.2 monitor-controller. The extended version of our popular MC1 monitor-controller which we decided to design after some requests. The MC1.2 has an additional AB functionality with gain trim (+/-10dB) on input 1 to make level-matched AB checks as easy as possible. Next to that, we now deliver all MC1 monitor-controllers with black knobs instead of silver knobs to better match our IM series. The MC1 is now labelled MC1.1 and has black knobs as well.

27 October 2020

IM2.1s and IM2.3s with 0.25/0.5 per step

Sometimes you want course steps, sometimes you want more precise/smaller steps for your output gain. From now it's possible to order the IM2.1s and IM2.3s with both 0.25 and 0.5dB per step with a small toggle button above the gain attenuator.

19 February 2020

Since we got quite a lot of requests for a small 1u console with mid/side and parallel processing we are proud to introduce the IM1.5 insert matrix.

More info and the possibility to order can be found here.

16 December 2019

We are proud to announce that from now on you can order our standard products and Grimm cables by using our webshop!